1898 Puerto Rico in Photographs

Utuado Mountainside 1898 Puerto Rico two men ride horses on dirt road

When I think of Puerto Rico
in my minds eye

I feel a dance ...
her sway

in the protective embrace
of the deepest blue ocean
and salty sapphire sea 

gentle caresses
bubbling white foam
rhythmic waves
lapping at her edges

lush green mountains
wind caresses
upon every
peak, crest
and valley
island sounds
secret songs only parrots
and frogs know

of love
forever home

Central mountainous zone 1898 Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico stuck in the persistent state of 1898.  Unwilling to change.
A one hundred year old child.

Military Road Juana Diaz 1898 Puerto Rico Horse drawn carriage
Caguas, Puerto Rico 1898 village
Economically poor then and now.

San Juan Railroad 1898
Puerto Rico is 1898 encapsulated.

Puerto Rico refusing to change remains a common wealth, suppressed. A prize of the Spanish American war.  An American possession needing protection since 1898.  Protection from what exactly, I cannot explain.  Culturally rich, with traces from every corner of the planet proudly waving two flags.  Bearing children with double identities.  Holding on tightly to illusions of self government.  Forever scrambling in frustration caused by this duality. 

Puerto Rico, there is no denying your richness, beauty and my love for you.

Images from Puerto Rico: its conditions and possibilities
By William Dinwiddie