Changing Colour Mid Stream

 With less than 10 weeks to go before my exhibition its probably not a good time to be experimenting, though I walked into the studio this morning and could feel a change in the air.   A good friend had given me a load of old oil paints that her mother had painted with when she was alive.  I started to go thru the colours and realised just how personal colour choice is.  Lush crimsons, indian yellow, burnt sienna to name a few - colours I havent used for a while.    So I soaked the tubes in hot water, managed to get the lids off and squeezed the wonderful contents onto my glass palette.  I feel like a new women!!  Cant wait to open the studio door tomorrow and start all over again.  Thankyou Deborah for yours mothers paint, not sure how she would feel about my non-traditional landscapes - though her spirit lives on in the colour.