This is my favorite storefront sign in Satdobato:
श्रेश्ठ ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्स एण्ड ईलेक्ट्रिकल्स shre-stha i-le-ktro-ni-ks e-nd i-le-ktri-ka-ls "Shrestha Electronics and Electricals" |
अरिना कस्मेटिक एण्ड गिफ्ट शप A-ri-na ka-sme-ti-k e-nd gi-pht sha-p "Arina Cosmetic and Gift Shop" |
रमेश वाच सेन्टर ra-me-sh waa-ch se-nta-r "Ramesh Watch Center" |
ए एस ग्लास सेन्टर e es glaa-s se-nta-r "A. S. Glass Center" |
"Center" is a popular English word on Nepali storefronts. "Glass Center," "Shoe Center," "Gift Center," "Food Center" etc. "Shrestha," "Arina," "Ramesh," and "A.S." are the first or last names of the store owners.
अनिल कोल्ड स्टोर a-ni-l ko-ld sto-r "Anil Cold Store" |
Local shops that serve refrigerated soft drinks are often called 'cold stores,' which I never found particularly appealing because it looks like 'cold sores.'
And now for my favorite....
This was taken in Medina, Texas by my parents as they were driving back to Austin from their Christmas holiday in Bandera.