Yarn bombing cities with knitted graffiti art

Madga Sayeg's Busbomb 
By Bella Arnott-Hoare ArtsHub | Wednesday, November 02, 2011
As cities grow larger and more anonymous a rogue cult of Guerrilla Knittas are working to improve the intimacy of the urban landscape one stitch at a time. The movement of graffiti artists, dubbed ‘Yarn bombers’, have abandoned spray cans in favour of knitting needles and balls of wool.
Yarn bombing is a form of street art where rebellion and knitting needles come in equal measures. Depending on how you see it, yarn bombers have a slightly diffused aim from their aerosol cousins and are donating their works back to the public space. In the process they hope to brighten up the everyday greys of cityscapes, trees, signs and fences.
The operation is still considered vandalism and its tactical knitters are often forced to create their colourful sleeves for fixed objects under the cover of darkness. In the process, they use dozens of balls of wool and countless needles for what is sometimes referred to as ‘Grandma art’.