Random Quilt ... Sneak Peak

Name: "Random Quilt'
Size: 8' x 8-1/2'

Notes: Just a sneak peak of the FINALLY finished "Random Quilt" (my name for a 'crazy quilt'). It took longer than I anticipated, but the finished product is worth it!

This is just one corner ... a picture of the entire finished quilt will be posted as soon as I can get a decent picture.

More Notes: I made each block separately, then sewed the blocks together. I then sewed them onto a thin quilt I got at the Goodwill Surplus Store - tattered and torn. Cheating? Maybe - but I kind of like the idea of saving $$ as well as recycling something that was precious to someone else at one point. If I hadn't bought this quilt for backing, it would have been incinerated.